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Ban­king & capi­tal mar­kets law

This field of law is in a con­stant sta­te of flux due to cur­rent juris­pru­dence, Euro­pean appro­xi­ma­ti­on of laws and new laws. Our lawy­ers, who have been working in this field for many years, have exten­si­ve spe­cia­list know­ledge in all aspects of ban­king and capi­tal mar­ket law.

BSKP repres­ents cre­dit insti­tu­ti­ons in the enforce­ment of claims ari­sing from loan agree­ments and loan col­la­te­ral up to the time of fore­clo­sure or forced sale. Our ser­vices include pre-liti­ga­ti­on advice as well as liti­ga­ti­on befo­re all courts and arbi­tra­ti­on proceedings.

We advi­se and repre­sent your inte­rests as len­der, gua­ran­tor, bor­rower or gua­ran­tor in the cour­se of ongo­ing com­mit­ment and also at the stage of liqui­da­ti­on and realisation.
Through inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry coope­ra­ti­on of our att­or­neys at law, we gua­ran­tee that legal arran­ge­ments, such as tho­se requi­red in con­nec­tion with con­tract per­for­mance and war­ran­ty bonds or the effects of cor­po­ra­te law, are com­pe­tent­ly assessed.

In addi­ti­on, we advi­se you in con­nec­tion with invest­ments as a new inves­tor or as a clai­mant in order to enforce your claims. Final­ly, we advi­se initia­tors of funds and capi­tal invest­ments on the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of sales bro­chu­res, wher­eby we can fall back on the com­pe­tent sup­port of our audi­ting department.

We advise you personally.

To avoid waiting times for you, please make an appointment. Call us or send us an appointment request via the contact form.

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Dr. Karsten S. Hohberg

Dr. Karsten S. Hohberg

Dr. Karsten S. Hohberg

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
  • Executive Partner
 Volker Kreft

Volker Kreft

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for bank and capital markets law
  • Specialist lawyer for medical law