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Social law

Sin­ce the intro­duc­tion of the ALG II law, social secu­ri­ty law has gai­ned importance. Cri­ti­cism of this and cor­rec­ting juris­pru­dence do not wane. You can obtain legal assis­tance to enforce your claims here with us.

A con­sidera­ble part of our dai­ly work is also done in cases whe­re ill­ness and the asso­cia­ted impairm­ents lead to the ina­bi­li­ty to par­ti­ci­pa­te in “nor­mal life”. We will assist you in pro­ce­du­res for deter­mi­ning the degree of disa­bi­li­ty and gran­ting disa­bi­li­ty pensions.

We advise you personally.

To avoid waiting times for you, please make an appointment. Call us or send us an appointment request via the contact form.

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 Diana Sperling

Diana Sperling

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for family law
  • Executive Partner
 Danny Graßhoff

Danny Graßhoff

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for criminal law
  • Specialist lawyer for social law
 Kerstin Rhinow-Simon

Kerstin Rhinow-Simon

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for family law
  • Specialist lawyer for social law
  • Mediator
 Maximilian Rychter

Maximilian Rychter

  • Lawyer