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BSKP Aca­de­my

Final­ly tack­le the need for pre­pared­ness and pati­ent care? Fin­ding the latest legis­la­ti­on on labor law first hand? Even befo­re the turn of the year important chan­ges of the new tax year know? Be infor­med at an ear­ly stage about the most important legal reforms in buil­ding and real estate law and its con­se­quen­ces? Know about con­su­mer rights and ven­dor obligations? …

Within the frame­work of the BSKP Aca­de­my, we regu­lar­ly offer infor­ma­ti­on events on various topics and ques­ti­ons. In addi­ti­on to up-to-date news on tax and law, we pro­vi­de you with important infor­ma­ti­on on how to avo­id typi­cal pit­falls and what you should pay atten­ti­on to. Each par­ti­ci­pant is given the lec­tu­re notes to take away; some­ti­mes attrac­ti­ve spe­cial con­di­ti­ons for sub­se­quent con­sul­ta­ti­ons in our law firm are waving. And, of cour­se, our spea­k­ers will ans­wer your ques­ti­ons during the event.

All events can be found here in our online calendar …




BSKP invites you regularly: information and evening events take place in our law firms or in cooperation partners. You can find current topics and dates… more