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The loca­ti­on in Stutt­gart-Kal­len­berg goes back to the law firm Rei­chert und Partner.
Logo Stuttgart Kallenberg Kanzlei BSKP Steuerberater Wirtschaftprüfer Rechtsanwälte
Jür­gen Rei­chert is a tax con­sul­tant and lawy­er and foun­ded the law firm in Asperg in 1988 after stu­dy­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tübin­gen. In 1993, the firm moved to its cur­rent loca­ti­on at Soli­tu­de­al­lee 14 in Stutt­gart-Kal­len­berg. In the years that fol­lo­wed, Mr Rei­chert com­ple­ted two spe­cia­list lawy­er cour­ses in com­mer­cial and cor­po­ra­te law and inter­na­tio­nal com­mer­cial law and num­e­rous other pro­fes­sio­nals and employees joi­n­ed the firm.
The law firm has suc­cessful­ly deve­lo­ped into a con­sul­tancy firm for com­pa­nies and entre­pre­neurs in all sec­tors and legal forms. This includes ongo­ing tax and legal advice, e.g. the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of accounts, annu­al finan­cial state­ments and tax returns, through to com­plex cor­po­ra­te and share­hol­ding struc­tures, inclu­ding suc­ces­si­ons and real estate. Our law firm has advi­sed on many dozens of invest­ment tran­sac­tions, inclu­ding inter­na­tio­nal ones.
Due to the growth, the com­pa­ny was con­ver­ted into a part­ner­ship in 2014 and final­ly, in 2023, tax con­sul­tant Hei­di Krü­ger joi­n­ed the com­pa­ny as a part­ner, who had alre­a­dy work­ed in the firm for many years and also obtai­ned her tax con­sul­tant licence there.
In order to suc­cessful­ly lead the law firm to suc­cess inde­pendent­ly of the­se two part­ners in the long term and to secu­re the future in an incre­asing­ly diver­se ran­ge of tasks for our cli­ents in an indi­vi­du­al, but if neces­sa­ry also powerful, lar­ge law firm unit, we have deci­ded to join BSKP as a unit at the begin­ning of 2025.
The BSKP con­cept con­vin­ced us and made this step easy for us — we are loo­king for­ward to our joint future as a BSKP location!
Appoint­ments can also be made by appoint­ment out­side the spe­ci­fied times and out­side the office.
Mon­day-Thurs­day 08.00–17.00
Fri­day 08.00–15.00
You can find cur­rent vacan­ci­es at bskp.de/karriere
Trans­la­ted with DeepL.com (free version)


Der Stand­ort in Stutt­gart-Kal­len­berg geht auf die Kanz­lei Rei­chert und Part­ner zurück.

BSKP in Stutt­gart-Kal­len­berg

Solitudeallee 14
70439 Stuttgart-Kallenberg

Phone: +49 711 - 98 09 08-0
Fax: +49 711 - 98 09 08-198

E-mail for applications:

You are in good hands with our experts.

Personal, comprehensive, forward-looking – the goal of our specialists is to provide you with the best possible advice. If necessary, the teams are strengthened with experts from other locations or departments. In this way, we will find the right solution for each of your requirements.

 Janina Bäßler

Janina Bäßler

  • Corporate lawyer LL.B.
  • PhD student
  • Lawyer

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