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Traf­fic law

Traf­fic law is an extre­me­ly com­plex and com­plex field of law, with which almost ever­yo­ne is likely to come into cont­act. Even very careful dri­vers are not immu­ne to an acci­dent on the road. A dri­ving ban due to exces­si­ve speed or a red light vio­la­ti­on can be life-threa­tening for tho­se affec­ted, for exam­p­le, who are com­pul­so­ri­ly depen­dent on a dri­ving licence. If a dri­ver is not allo­wed to lea­ve the sce­ne of an acci­dent or if he or she is inju­red by an acci­dent for which he or she is respon­si­ble, he or she may even face cri­mi­nal pro­cee­dings. When retur­ning a lea­sed vehic­le, you may also be sub­ject to addi­tio­nal claims from the lea­sing com­pa­ny due to alle­ged damage.

Our team for traf­fic law advi­ses and sup­ports you com­pe­tent­ly, relia­bly and spe­ci­fi­cal­ly tail­o­red to your per­so­nal case in the pro­ces­sing and hand­ling of all traf­fic law issues rela­ting to traf­fic civil law, traf­fic cri­mi­nal and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve offen­ces as well as traf­fic admi­nis­tra­ti­on law.

We advise you personally.

To avoid waiting times for you, please make an appointment. Call us or send us an appointment request via the contact form.

 Jörg Neuber

Jörg Neuber

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for criminal law
  • Executive Partner
 Can Christopher Senuysal

Can Christopher Senuysal

Can Christopher Senuysal

  • Lawyer
  • Executive Partner
 Martin Volkmann

Martin Volkmann

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for employment law
  • Specialist lawyer for traffic law
  • Specialist lawyer for insurance law
  • Executive Partner