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Legal ser­vices

Exper­ti­se & network
Respon­ding to the rising demand for increased spe­cia­li­sa­ti­on, BSKP curr­ent­ly has 20 spe­cia­list lawy­ers and 9 gene­ral lawy­ers rea­dy to advi­se you.

In order to pro­vi­de a com­pre­hen­si­ve advi­so­ry ser­vice to our cli­ents in par­ti­cu­lar are­as of the law, the firm has always for­med spe­cia­list teams. The­re are curr­ent­ly spe­cia­list teams for employ­ment law, ban­king and capi­tal mar­ket law, con­s­truc­tion and plan­ning and public law, fami­ly law and pro­ba­te inclu­ding social and medi­cal law, com­mer­cial and com­pa­ny law inclu­ding tax law, IT law and indus­tri­al pro­per­ty law, and rela­ted areas.

The teams are run and coor­di­na­ted by at least one mana­ging part­ner of the firm who also con­sults with the other spe­cia­list are­as. This enables us to pro­vi­de our cli­ents with the best pos­si­ble legal advice.

Com­mer­cial, com­pa­ny and tax law

Com­mer­cial, com­pa­ny and tax law

The prerequisite for the economic success of a company is legal certainty. Our experienced team of experienced attorneys provide you with the expertise you need for your decisions. more

Labour law

Labour law

If conflicts in working life can only be solved with support, our experienced, highly qualified experts are the right contact for all questions of individual and collective labor law. more

Fami­ly & inhe­ri­tance law

Fami­ly & inhe­ri­tance law

Family and inheritance law not only needs a lot of expertise, but also a lot of heart. Our highly specialized team accompanies you legally at the highest level, without losing sight of the emotional side. more

Buil­ding & estate agent law

Buil­ding & estate agent law

Real estate create value. Our team of specialists from different specialist areas has the necessary vision for successful projects and advises you comprehensively, competently and foresight. more


Public eco­no­mic law

Public eco­no­mic law

When private and public interests collide, it helps to develop strategies for emerging problems at an early stage. With us you are always a train… more


Insol­ven­cy law

Insol­ven­cy law

Reor­ga­ni­sa­ti­on / Res­truc­tu­ring / Own management   The cri­sis threa­tens. Valuable time is passing. Take the reins of action again — and deter­mi­ne your own… more


IT law

IT law

Information technology is constantly changing. Often the IT law overlaps with other legal areas. You will find the right specialists with a great view for… more


Copy­right & indus­tri­al pro­per­ty rights

Copy­right & indus­tri­al pro­per­ty rights

Copy­right basi­cal­ly pro­tects every per­so­nal intellec­tu­al crea­ti­on. Sin­ce the inser­ti­on of com­pu­ter pro­grams into the area of copy­right pro­tec­tion, all indi­vi­du­al works in the field… more


Ban­king & capi­tal mar­kets law

Ban­king & capi­tal mar­kets law

Assets need commitment. In the constant change of laws and jurisprudence in this field, we are your reliable partner - expert, interdisciplinary, forward-looking. more


Social law

Social law

In questions of social law, competent support is required to enforce your rights. The experts, who are distinguished as TOP lawyers, can be found here. more


Medi­cal law

Medi­cal law

Health is a high good - fails a treatment, there are many legal issues. Both physicians and patients are then competently supported. more




Our experienced mediators from work, family and business law support you in elaborating solid solutions. more


Traf­fic law

Traf­fic law

Whether it is an accident, speeding or a supposed damage to the leasing vehicle, we are at your side from beginning to end. more


Cri­mi­nal Law

Cri­mi­nal Law

Suddenly accused - not unlikely in our complex everyday life, and sometimes not predict. Do not underestimate the consequences. Look for help from our experts… more


Insu­rance law

Insu­rance law

Hardly any living area today still comes without insurance. Their extensive contracts and conditions require the special attention of our experts in the dispute. more


BSKP Spain & Latin Ame­ri­ca Desk

BSKP Spain & Latin Ame­ri­ca Desk

Our BSKP Spain & Latin Ame­ri­ca Desk has exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in assis­ting Spa­nish spea­king cli­ents with invest­ments and deve­lo­ping their busi­ness acti­vi­ties in Ger­ma­ny. BSKP… more