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Frank Simon

Lawyer Specialist lawyer for family law Specialist lawyer for inheritance law Mediator (BAFM) Executive Partner


FOCUS-SPEZIAL In 2016 lawyer Frank Simon is once again one of Germany's TOP lawyers in family and inheritance law. Already in 2015, lawyer Frank Simon was honored as one of the best specialist lawyers for family law and at the same time for inheritance law in Germany.

The magazine Wirtschaftswoche has awarded lawyer Frank Simon as one of the 25 best-known hereditary lawyers in Germany.

Frank Simon was born in 1965 in Bielefeld. He studied law at the Universities of Bielefeld and Würzburg. As part of his education he worked in Vienna, Hong Kong and South Africa. He was admitted to the bar in 1996 and worked as a specialist lawyer for family and inheritance law. He is also a certified mediator in family law and inheritance law. Frank Simon lectures regularly for the Association for Maintenance and Family Law - ISUV and as part of the lawyer training of the Bar Association of Saxony. He is currently Chairman of the Examination Board of the Bar Association of Saxony for Inheritance Law. Lawyer Simon is co-founder of mediation in the team and at the same time one of the first lawyer mediators in Saxony. Mr. Simon is co-author of the maintenance guide "Keep in Saxony" together with lawyer Rhinow-Simon, who has been the author of the Sächsische Zeitung on family and inheritance law since 1996. So far, more than 600 articles have been published by Frank Simon regular expert on family and inheritance issues in the MDR radio lawyer Frank Simon is a speaker for various banks, counseling centers and non-profit organizations.

The magazine "Wirtschaftswoche" has awarded Mr. Simon one of the 25 best-known hereditary lawyers in Germany, according to the FOCUS list of lawyers 2015 and 2016 based on recommendations of colleagues and reviews of clients to Germany's top lawyers in family and inheritance law.





Published works


  • Divorce law and marriage contracts
  • Maintenance law
  • Property dispute and gain
  • entrepreneurs distinctions
  • Reviews of companies and real estate
  • Family and inheritance issues in real estate assets
  • Wills and estate succession
  • Precautionary and patient orders
  • mediation


  • Gründungsmitglied der „Mediation im Team"
  • Mitglied des Fachausschusses Erbrecht Rechtsanwaltskammer Sachsen
  • Regionalbeauftragter der Deutschen Anwalts-, Notar- und Steuerberatervereinigung für Erb- und Familienrecht e. V.
  • ARGE Familien- und Erbrecht im DAV
  • langjähriger Kontaktanwalt der Deutschen Vereinigung für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge e. V.
  • Interessenverband für Unterhalts- und Familienrecht (ISUV)
  • Anwaltunion Fachanwälte e. V.


  • Rechtsanwalt Frank Simon ist Dozent für Rechtsanwaltsseminare der Rechtsanwaltskammer Sachsen - Anwaltliche Strategien beim Unterhalt ι Update 2016 - Anwaltliche Strategien bei der Vermögensauseinandersetzung: Zugewinn/Versorgungsausgleich ι Update 2016 - Die Patchworkfamilie im Familien- und Erbrecht mit Herrn Prof. Dr. Heribert Heckschen
  • für Ellipsis Gesellschaft für Unternehmensentwicklung mbH
  • für Eipos - Europäisches Institut für postgraduale Bildung GmbH
  • für Banken und Versicherungen
  • für Beratungsstellen

Published works

  • since 1996 numerous publications on family and inheritance law in the local press (more than 600 articles)
  • Herausgeber des Unterhaltshandbuches „Unterhalt in Sachsen"
  • Mitautor des Formularhandbuches Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

Frank Simon

Fetscherstr. 29
01307 Dresden

Telefon: +49 351 318 90-0
Telefax: +49 351 318 90-99


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