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Insu­rance law

In fact, the­re is hard­ly any area of life whe­re insu­rance con­tracts play no role. The Ger­man Insu­rance Asso­cia­ti­on reports that in 2014 the­re were about 460 mil­li­on insu­rance con­tracts in Ger­ma­ny. The insu­rance industry’s pro­tec­tion against pri­va­te and com­mer­cial risks is indis­pensable in all are­as of dai­ly life in view of the incre­asing amount of losses.

Our experts in insu­rance law are at your side with their com­pre­hen­si­ve know­ledge of the estab­lish­ment and assess­ment of insu­rance contracts.

Every poli­cy­hol­der knows the scope of the clau­se that accom­pa­nies an insu­rance con­tract and is regu­lar­ly overta­xed to take note of it at all. The con­trac­tu­al pro­vi­si­ons, which are lar­ge­ly gover­ned by pri­va­te law and focus on the insu­rance con­tract and the asso­cia­ted Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of Insu­rance Con­tracts (Gene­ral Insu­rance Con­tract Terms and Con­di­ti­ons), lead to a wide varie­ty of con­tract con­tents. In the event of any dis­pu­te under insu­rance law, it is the­r­e­fo­re neces­sa­ry to exami­ne the indi­vi­du­al con­tract and its con­clu­si­on individually.

We advi­se and repre­sent both insu­rance com­pa­nies and poli­cy­hol­ders in all are­as of insu­rance law through lawy­ers spe­cia­li­sing in insu­rance law.

We advise you personally.

To avoid waiting times for you, please make an appointment. Call us or send us an appointment request via the contact form.

Dr. Karsten S. Hohberg

Dr. Karsten S. Hohberg

Dr. Karsten S. Hohberg

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law
  • Executive Partner
 Jörg Neuber

Jörg Neuber

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for criminal law
  • Executive Partner
 Martin Volkmann

Martin Volkmann

  • Lawyer
  • Specialist lawyer for employment law
  • Specialist lawyer for traffic law
  • Specialist lawyer for insurance law
  • Executive Partner