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Allgemein Presse

DFK Inter­na­tio­nal has been ran­ked as the sixth lar­gest asso­cia­ti­on in the world by a lea­ding indus­try magazine.

BSKP Dr. Broll · Schmitt · Kauf­mann & Part­ner has been a proud mem­ber of DFK Inter­na­tio­nal for 5 years.

The asso­cia­ti­on has moved up one spot in the ratings to achie­ve sixth place in the Inter­na­tio­nal Accoun­ting Bulletin’s (IAB’s) annu­al 2022 World Sur­vey Report.

The report is based on coll­ec­ti­ve fee inco­me, with DFK Inter­na­tio­nal mem­bers firms achie­ving a tur­no­ver of $1.532 billion.

DFK has sat in seventh place for 10 years, but has moved up the list after achie­ving a growth rate of three per cent com­pared to the pre­vious year.

The asso­cia­ti­on now has 230 mem­ber firms, 1,413 part­ners, 13,919 staff mem­bers and 455 offices in 94 countries.

IAB is the only glo­bal maga­zi­ne cove­ring the pro­fes­sio­nal ser­vices world. Focu­sing on busi­ness issues affec­ting accoun­ting firms, net­works and asso­cia­ti­ons, it is a trus­ted source for lea­ding accoun­ting news, as well as vital data and ana­ly­sis pro­vi­ded by its sur­vey features.

It is regard­ed as a must-read title by the world’s lea­ding accoun­ting pro­fes­sio­nals, and is sup­port­ed by an advi­so­ry board com­pri­sing a roll call of inter­na­tio­nal CEOs.

Mar­tin Sharp, exe­cu­ti­ve direc­tor of DFK Inter­na­tio­nal, said: “We are very proud to be among the lea­ding asso­cia­ti­ons worldwide.

“Moving up to sixth place demons­tra­tes that despi­te the pan­de­mic, DFK remains one of the stron­gest asso­cia­ti­ons in the world and our mem­ber firms have con­tin­ued to grow, which is a fan­ta­stic achievement.

“We have seen growth across all ser­vices lines, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in North Ame­ri­ca, which shows that our mem­bers have con­tin­ued to pro­vi­de out­stan­ding sup­port to their cli­ents in a chal­len­ging envi­ron­ment and in-turn have expan­ded their practices.

“We now look for­ward to ano­ther suc­cessful year as we con­ti­nue to do busi­ness and share know­ledge and best prac­ti­ce to achie­ve fur­ther growth.”

To learn more about DFK Inter­na­tio­nal www.dfk.com

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